[来源:http://www.dianlanguagou.com.cn] [作者:不详] [日期:21-08-09] [浏览次数:]

Development Status of Mine Cables
After several years of high-speed development, China's mining cable has formed a considerable scale, but because the production capacity is greater than the demand, there is a situation of oversupply. Production capacity has greatly exceeded this year's forecast demand value, while wire and cable enterprises are facing the urgent need to improve the technical content of products.
1、低水平重复建设多近几年,电线电缆行业对产品结构的调整重视不够,产品结构矛盾依然突出,高水平产品满足不了需要。例如,从大类看,我国裸电线产量占近1/5,发达国家只占1/10。而在裸电线中,架空线和普通的钢芯铝绞线又占了绝大多数。铜钟 一次性止血带 标志桩模具 钢丝轮 流水槽模具 防撞墙模具 检查井钢模具 不锈钢铸件 模锻件
1. In recent years, the low-level repetitive construction has not paid enough attention to the adjustment of product structure in the wire and cable industry. The contradiction of product structure is still prominent, and the high-level products can not meet the needs. For example, from a broad perspective, bare wire production accounts for nearly one fifth of China's total, while developed countries account for only one tenth. In bare wires, overhead wires and ordinary steel-cored aluminium strands account for the vast majority.
2. There are more than 700 enterprises with low economic benefits in the whole industry, with a loss of more than 1/4. In 1991, the sales income tax rate of the industry was 11.7%, which dropped to 5% in 1995. Because of the successive decline in benefits and the increase of loss-making enterprises, the industry is generally short of funds, with an average asset-liability ratio of up to 70%.
3. Scale growth is excessive, the overall capacity of the wire and cable industry is more than twice the demand, and the predicted demand of various products in 2000 is less than the production capacity.

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