当前位置:矿用电缆 矿用电缆是指煤矿开采工业志用
矿用电缆 矿用电缆是指煤矿开采工业志用
[来源:http://www.dianlanguagou.com.cn] [作者:不详] [日期:24-01-02] [浏览次数:]

矿用电缆   矿用电缆是指煤矿开采工业志用的地面设备和井下设备用电线电缆产品.其中包括采煤机,运输机,通信,照明与信号设备用电缆,以及电钻电缆,帽灯电线和井下移动变电站用的电源电缆等.
Mining cables refer to the wire and cable products used for surface and underground equipment in the coal mining industry. This includes cables for coal mining machines, conveyors, communication, lighting, and signal equipment, as well as power cables for electric drills, cap light wires, and underground mobile substations
Mining cable is the abbreviation for coal mine cable. All mining cables are flame-retardant and have mining explosion-proof cable certificates
U型(M型)煤矿用橡套电缆Flexible rubber-sheathed cables for mining purposes
Flexible rubber sheathed cables for mining purposes
Product standard
This product is produced in accordance with GB12972-1991 "Rubber sheathed flexible cables for mining", MT818-1999 "Flame retardant cables for coal mines", and Q/320282DCE037-2003 standards. It can also be produced according to the recommended standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), British standards, German standards, and American standards according to user needs.
The product is manufactured according to the standard 《Flexible rubber-sheathed cables for mining purposes》of GB12972-1991,《Flame retardant drade flexible rubber-sheathed cables for mining purposes》of MT818-1999, and Q/320282DCE037-2003, and the same time is also manufactured according to the standard of IEC、English、Germany and America.
The product is manufactured according to the standard Flexible rubber head cables for mining purposes of GB12972-1991, Flame retained draft flexible rubber head cables for mining purposes of MT818-1999, and Q/320282DCE037-2003, and the same time is also manufactured according to the standard of IEC, English, Germany, and America
矿用橡套软电缆适用于工频额定电压U0/U 660/1140V及以下矿用动力装置用移动敷设的电缆。
Mining rubber sheathed flexible cables are suitable for mobile laying cables used in mining power equipment with rated power frequency voltage U0/U 660/1140V and below.

版权所有河北宽大机械设备制造有限公司 网址:www.dianlanguagou.com.cn 冀ICP备2022015529号-3

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