[来源:http://www.dianlanguagou.com.cn] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-02-16] [浏览次数:]
铜芯电线电缆载流量标准电缆载流量口决: Copper wire and cable load flow standard cable load flow mouth ": 估算口诀: Estimating formula: 二点五下乘以九,往上减一顺号走。 Up to two point five by nine, reducing YiShun number. 三十五乘三点五,双双成组减点五。 35 by three point five, both groups decrease point five. 条件有变加折算,高温九折铜升级。 Conditions change and conversion, high temperature copper upgrade ninety percent. 穿管根数二三四,八七六折满载流。 Wear tube number 234, 234 fold full flow. 说明: Description: 本节口诀对各种绝缘线(橡皮和塑料绝缘线)的载流量(安全电流)不是直接指出,而是”截面乘上一定的倍数”来表示,通过心算而得。 This section formula of all kinds of insulated wire (rubber and plastic insulated wire) carrying capacity (safety current) is not directly points out, but rather "section multiplied by a certain ratio", by mental arithmetic. “二点五下乘以九,往上减一顺号走”说的是2.5mm及以下的各种截面铝芯绝缘线,其载流量约为截面数的9倍。 "By two point five to 9, reducing YiShun up," said is 2.5 mm and under various cross section aluminum core insulation wire, its carrying capacity is about the number of section 9 times. 如2.5mm’导线,载流量为2.5×9=22.5(A)。 Such as 2.5 mm 'lead, carrying capacity is 2.5 x 9 = 22.5 (A). 从4mm’及以上导线的载流量和截面数的倍数关系是顺着线号往上排,倍数逐次减l,即4×8、6×7、10×6、16×5、25×4。 From 4 mm and above 'carrying capacity and the section of the wire number multiples of relationship is down to the top of line number, ratio of successive minus l, namely 4 x 8, 6 * 6, 7, 10, 16 * 4 5, 25. “十五乘三点五,双双成组减点五”,说的是35mm”的导线载流量为截面数的3.5倍,即35×3.5=122.5(A)。 "Fifteen by three point five, both group minus five", said is 35 mm "wire carrying capacity for the number of section 3.5 times, namely, 35 * 3.5 = 122.5 (A). 50mm’及以上的导线,其载流量与截面数之间的倍数关系变为两个两个线号成一组,倍数依次减0.5。即50、70mm’导线的载流量为截面数的3倍;95、120mm”导线载流量是其截面积数的2.5倍,依次类推。 More than 50 mm 'and conductor, its carrying capacity and the section number to multiples of relationship between two into a set of line number, multiple minus 0.5 in turn. Namely, 50, 70 mm 'conductor is three times the number of the carrying capacity of cross section; "95, 95 mm wire carrying capacity is the cross section of the accumulation of 2.5 times, so on. “条件有变加折算,高温九折铜升级”。上述口诀是铝芯绝缘线、明敷在环境温度25℃的条件下而定的。 "Conditions change and conversion, high temperature ninety percent copper upgrade". The above formula is the aluminum core insulation wire, Ming fu in the conditions of the environment temperature 25 ℃. 若铝芯绝缘线明敷在环境温度长期高于25℃的地区,导线载流量可按上述口诀计算方法算出,然后再打九折即可;当使用的不是铝线而是铜芯绝缘线,它的载流量要比同规格铝线略大一些,可按上述口诀方法算出比铝线加大一个线号的载流量。如16mm’铜线的载流量,可按25mm2铝线计算。 If aluminum core insulation wire Ming fu in the ambient temperature above 25 ℃ region for a long time, wire carrying capacity according to the above formula calculation method to calculate, then ninety percent discount; When using copper rather than aluminum wire insulation wire, its carrying capacity than the same specification aluminium wire are slightly larger, according to the above formula method to calculate than aluminium wire increase the carrying capacity of a line number. Such as 16 mm 'copper wire carrying capacity, can be calculated at 25 was aluminium wire.
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