[来源:http://www.dianlanguagou.com.cn] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-03-04] [浏览次数:]
特种矿用电缆是一系列具有独特性能和特殊结构的产品,相当于量大面广的普通矿用电缆而言,具有技术含量较高、使用条件较严格、批量较小、附加值较高的特点。往往采用新材料、新结构、新工艺和新的设计计算。这类矿用电缆大致可分为下列四类 Special mine cable is a series of products with unique properties and special structure, equivalent to ordinary mine cable quantity bedding face is wide, with high technical content, use more strict conditions, the characteristics of small batch and high added value. Often using new materials, new structure and new technology and new design calculation. This kind of mine cable can be roughly divided into the following four categories 一、耐高温矿用电缆 A high temperature mine cable 航空航天、机车车辆、能源、钢铁、有色金属冶炼、石油开采、电机等领域需用耐高温矿用电缆。长期连续工作温度125度、135度、150度、180度、200度、250度及250度以上的耐高温矿用电缆,目前常用的有辐照交联聚烯烃、硅橡胶、氟树脂、聚酰亚胺、云母、氧化镁等矿用电缆。现介绍;两种新型耐高温矿用电缆。 Aerospace, vehicles, energy, steel, non-ferrous metal smelting, oil, electrical and other fields need to use high temperature resistant mine cable. Long-term continuous working temperature of 125 degrees, 135 degrees, 150 degrees, 180 degrees, 200 degrees, 250 degrees and 200 degrees high temperature mine cable, at present commonly used are radiation crosslinked polyolefin, silicone rubber, fluorine resin, polyimide, mica, magnesium oxide mine cable, etc. Are introduced; Two kinds of new type high temperature mine cable. 1.聚醚砜(PES)绝缘电线 具有优良的耐热性、物理机械性能、电绝缘性能、挤出成型性,特别是具有可以在高温下连续使用和温度急剧变化的环境中仍能保持性能稳定等突出优点:热变形温度在200-220度,连续使用温度为180-200度,UL温度指数为180度;可耐150-160度热水或蒸汽,在高温下不受酸、碱的侵蚀;弹性模量在-100--200度几乎不变,特别在100度以上比任何一种热塑性树脂都好;线膨胀系数小,且其温度依赖性也小;具有无毒性,被美国FDA认可,也符合日本厚生省第434号和178号公告的要求;具有自熄性,不添加任何阻燃剂既有优异的难燃性,可达UL94V-0级(0.46mm)。 1. The polyether sulfone (PES) insulated wire Has excellent heat resistance, physical and mechanical properties, electrical insulation, extrusion molding, especially can be used in high temperature continuous and rapid temperature changes in the environment can still keep stable performance and other prominent advantages: thermal deformation temperature at 200-200 degrees, continuous use temperature is 180-200 degrees, UL temperature index of 180 degrees; Resistant to 150-150 degrees hot water or steam, from the acid, alkali at high temperature; Modulus of elasticity in almost the same - 100-100 degrees, especially in more than 100 degrees than any kind of thermoplastic resin is good; Linear expansion coefficient is small, and its temperature dependence is small; With non-toxic, FDA approved by the United States, also accord with the Japanese ministry announcement no. 178 and 434; Has the self-extinguishing, do not add any flame retardants have both excellent flame retardant, can reach UL94V level 0 (0.46 mm). 2.聚醚醚酮(PEEK)绝缘电线 聚醚醚酮属超耐热性热塑料性树脂。长期连续使用温度为250度,UL温度指数为250度。 2. The polyether ether ketone (PEEK) insulated wire polyether ether ketone is a super hot plasticity resin heat resistance. Long-term continuous use temperature is 250 degrees, UL temperature index of 250 degrees. PEEK是一种柔韧的树脂,且抗蠕变性能好。且有自熄性,不加任何阻燃剂就可达UL94V-1级(厚度为0.3mm)、94V-0(厚度为1.5mm)、94V-5(厚度为3.2mm)要求。 PEEK resin is a kind of flexible, and creep resistant performance is good. And self-extinguishing, without any flame retardants of UL94V - level 1 (thickness of 0.3 mm), the 94 v 0 (thickness of 1.5 mm), the 94 v - 5 (thickness of 3.2 mm).
版权所有河北宽大机械设备制造有限公司 网址:www.dianlanguagou.com.cn 冀ICP备2022015529号-3

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