特种电线电缆是一系列具有独特性能和特殊结构的产品,相当于量大面广的普通电线电缆而言,具有技术含量较高、使用条件较严格、批量较小、附加值较高的特点。往往采用新材料、新结构、新工艺和新的设计计算。这类电线电缆大致可分为下列四类: Special wire and cable is a series of products with unique properties and special structure, the equivalent of ordinary wire and cable quantity bedding face is wide, with high technical content, use more strict conditions, the characteristics of small batch and high added value. Often using new materials, new structure and new technology and new design calculation. This kind of wire and cable can be roughly divided into the following four categories: 一、耐高温电线电缆 A, high temperature resistant wire and cable 航空航天、机车车辆、能源、钢铁、有色金属冶炼、石油开采、电机等领域需用耐高温电线电缆。长期连续工作温度125度、135度、150度、180度、200度、250度及250度以上的耐高温电线电缆,目前常用的有辐照交联聚烯烃、硅橡胶、氟树脂、聚酰亚胺、云母、氧化镁等电线电缆。 Aerospace, vehicles, energy, steel, non-ferrous metal smelting, oil resistant to high temperature wire and cable, motor, etc. Long-term continuous working temperature of 125 degrees, 135 degrees, 150 degrees, 180 degrees, 200 degrees, 250 degrees and 250 degrees or more resistant to high temperature wire and cable, at present commonly used are radiation crosslinked polyolefin, silicone rubber, fluorine resin, polyimide, mica, magnesium wire and cable, etc. 二、用途和结构特殊的电线电缆 Second, the purpose and structure of special wire and cable 1.低电感电缆 1. Low inductance cables 有强电与弱电之分,这里介绍一种强电用低感电缆。此电缆带有热耗散装置,用于各类接触焊机、电弧焊机与气动焊钳间相连接的新型水冷式低感电缆,具有结构简单合理、冷却水流通量大、不会形成堵塞阻断和限流现象、散热效果好、使用寿命长等特点。 With heavy current and weak current, here introduces a kind of high voltage with low sense of cables. The cable with a heat dissipation device, used for all kinds of resistance welder, arc welder and pneumatic electrode holder connected between the new type of low water cooled cable, has simple and reasonable structure, large cooling water circulation, will not become blocked block and the limit of flow phenomenon, good heat dissipation effect, long service life, etc. 这种新型低感电缆也包括电缆和电缆端头上固装着的接头,且电缆也是由正极缆芯和负极缆芯同装于外胶管中构成。由于这类低感电缆一般都是用于电压为25-50V、电流在7000-12000A之间的场合,冷却水在电缆中的短路导电现象基本上可忽略不计,所以在此低感电缆中没有使用隔离正极缆芯和负极缆芯的橡胶软管,只是特别设置了一条横断面呈轮辐状(俗称“梅花芯”状)的芯架,其“轮心”和相邻“辐条”间所围成的空间在顺轴线方向上即形成纵向沟槽,芯架上的纵向沟槽与电缆所配置的正极缆芯的总根数相同,其电缆部分就是以正极缆芯和负极缆芯分别搁于芯架的纵向沟槽内装置在外胶管中构成。 This new type of low sense of cable also include cable and cable end solid loading on the joint, and it is by the positive and negative cable core line cable core is packed with to the hose. Because this kind of sense of low cable is generally used in voltage of 25 to 50 v, current situation, between 7000-12000 - a short circuit conductive in the cooling water in the cable almost negligible, so in this sense of low cable didn't use the isolation of the positive and negative cable conductor cable core rubber hose, just set up a special cross-sectional spokes shaped (commonly known as the "plum blossom core") core frame, the heart of round and round into the space between adjacent "spokes" in longitudinal groove is formed along the axis direction, core frame longitudinal grooves and the positive cable conductor of the cable configured at the same total number of root, the cable is in the positive and negative cable conductor cable core put aside in the core of the longitudinal grooves device respectively among the hose. 正极缆芯和负极缆芯的两端头部分别同极集合成束夹固于缆芯夹中,然后固装在接头上,电缆的外胶管的端头部套装在接头的尾端部,并用套装在外胶管外的收紧箍紧密封。 The positive and negative ends of the cable core cable core head respectively with a collection into a bundle of clip is the core in the clip, and then fixed on the connector, cable outer hose end head suits at the end of the joint, and set out hose outside tightening banding seal. 2.低噪音电缆 2. Low noise cable 在弯曲、振动、冲击、温度变化等外界因素作用下,电缆本身产生的脉冲信号小于5mV的电缆称为低噪音电缆,也称防震仪表电缆。用于工业、医学、国防等多个领域微小信号的测量。有聚乙烯绝缘低噪音电缆、F46绝缘低噪音电缆、耐辐照低噪音电缆、低电容低噪音电缆、水听器电缆、水密低噪音电缆等多种型号规格的电缆。 In bending, vibration, shock, temperature change under the influence of external factors, such as pulse signals generated by the cable itself is less than 5 mv cable called low noise cable, also known as shock instrument cables. Used in industrial, medical, defense and other fields of tiny signal measurement. With polyethylene insulation low noise cable, F46 low noise cable insulation, radiation resistance low noise, low capacitance, low noise cable, hydrophone cable, watertight low noise cable etc. Various specifications of the cables. 电缆中产生噪音的原因有:1)介质本身内部分子摩擦;2)电缆电容的改变;3)电缆介质的压电效应;4)电缆中导体和介质摩擦产生电荷,即当导体和绝缘之间接触破坏时产生电荷的分离。 The causes of noise cable are: 1) the medium itself molecular friction; 2) the cable capacitance change; 3) cable dielectric piezoelectric effect; 4) charge cable conductor and dielectric in friction, namely when the contact between conductor and insulation damage charge separation. 在聚乙烯绝缘表面挤上一层薄薄半导电(厚度0.20-0.30mm)的低噪音电缆得到了迅速的发展,其噪音值在2-3mV,对于工作在400度的低噪音电缆,可采用耐高温半导电纤维绕包的办法来解决,其噪音可达5mV。 In crowded on a layer of thin polyethylene insulation surface semi-conducting (0.20 0.30 mm) thickness of low noise cable got rapid development, its value in 2-3 mv, noise for low noise cable working in 400 degrees, can use high temperature resistant half conductive fiber winding and ways to solve, the noise can be up to 5 mv.