[来源:http://www.dianlanguagou.com.cn] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-05-15] [浏览次数:]

交联聚乙烯电缆和油纸电缆比较有哪些优点? 答:(1)易安装,因为它允许最小弯曲半径小、且重量轻; (2)不受线路落差限制; (3)热性能好,允许工作温度高、传输容量大; (4)电缆附件简单,均为干式结构; (5)运行维护简单,无漏油问题; (6)价格较低; (7)可靠性高、故障率低; (8)制造工序少、工艺简单,经济效益显著。 9、固定交流单芯电缆的夹具有什么要求?为什么? 答:夹具应无铁件构成闭合磁路,这是因为当电缆线芯通过电流时,在其周围产生磁力线,磁力线与通过线芯的电流大小成正比,若使用铁件等导磁材料,根据电磁感应可知,将在铁件中产生涡流使电缆发热,甚至烧坏电缆。所以不可使用铁件作单芯交流电缆的固定夹具。 10、以下的热缩电缆头的附件的最大特点和优点是什么? 答:热缩附件的最大特点是用应力管代替传统的应力锥,它不仅简化了施工工艺,还缩小了接头的终端的尺寸,安装方便,省时省工,性能优越,节约金属。热缩电缆附件集灌注式和干包式为一体,集合了这两种附件的优点。 11、电缆敷设前应进行哪些检查工作? 答:(1)支架应齐全、油漆完整。 (2)电缆型号、电压、规格符合设计。 (3)电缆绝缘良好,当对油纸电缆的密封有怀疑时,应进行受潮判断;直埋电缆与小底电缆应经直流耐压试难合格;充油电缆的油样应试验合格。 (4)充油电缆的油压不宜低于1.47MPa。 Cross-linked polyethylene cable cable and the paper is what are the advantages? Answer: (1) easy to install, because it allows the smallest bending radius is small, and light weight; (2) without being limited by the lines divide; (3) good thermal performance, allowing high working temperature, large transmission capacity; (4) simple cable accessories, are dry type structure; (5) operation simple maintenance, no oil leakage problems; (6) the price is low; (7) high reliability, low failure rate; (8) manufacturing process, the craft is simple, less economic benefit is remarkable. 9, fixed communication single-core cable clamp has any requirements? Why is that? A: fixture should be no iron constitute a closed magnetic circuit, this is because when the cable core by current, produced in the surrounding magnetic field lines, the lines of magnetic force and core through the line current is proportional to the size, if the use of magnetic material such as iron, according to electromagnetic induction, will produce eddy current in iron making cable fever, even burning cables. So do not use iron for single core communication cable fixed clamp. Heat shrinkable cable head attachments below 10, what is the biggest features and benefits? A: heat shrinkable accessories one of the biggest characteristic is to use the stress pipe instead of the traditional stress cone, it not only simplifies the construction process, also reduce the size of the connector terminals, installation is convenient, save work time saving, superior performance, saving the metal. Heat shrinkable cable accessories for perfusion type and dry type, set the advantages of these two attachments. 11, what inspection should be done before cable laying? Answer: (1) full support should be complete, paint. (2) the cable type, voltage and specifications comply with the design. (3) the cable insulation is good, when suspicious of oiled paper cable seal have, should carry on the judgment of be affected with damp be affected with damp; Buried cable and small bottom cable should be qualified by the dc withstand voltage test difficult; Oil-filled cable sample should be test. (4) the oil-filled cable oil pressure should not be less than 1.47 MPa.

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